As business owners and leaders, developing our talents is one of the key tasks we need to accomplish if we want to not only see our business survive in today’s business landscape, but also grow and thrive.
However, developing talents is a challenging task. In our previous article, we talked about some of the possible challenges and problems that we may face in our efforts to develop our talents.
Fret not! Today, let’s go over some possible solutions for our talent development challenges.
1. Identifying and filling skill gaps
Skill gaps are one of the challenges we may face in the talent development process.
For example, our employees may be lacking in terms of skills needed in their daily operations.
Or, they may have the skills, but are inexperienced for their roles.
By identifying these skill gaps, we can then decide on an appropriate talent development plan for our people.
For example, we can upskill them and provide them with more advanced skills for their roles.
Or perhaps we can reskill and cross-skill them to provide them with new skills for different roles at work.
That way, our people can then fulfill their required roles and duties at work.
2. Recognizing employees’ efforts in talent development
When our employees are able to successfully develop their skills and talents, it calls for us to recognize and celebrate these growths!
Doing so creates the image that we appreciate their efforts.
This, in turn, makes them more likely to repeat and further develop their skill sets.
In fact, employees whose talent developments are recognized on a constant basis are more likely to remain loyal with their organizations and businesses.
3. Acquiring feedback from our people
Talent development isn’t just about providing the skills and personal development that our people need.
It’s also about taking their opinions and perspectives into consideration for future plans too.
Acting on our talents’ opinions on their development plans shows them that their voices matter.
It also allows us to further improve our development plans so that our people can further benefit from them.
After all, if we don’t get feedback from the very people we are developing, how do we know if our talent development programs are successful and effective?
4. Acting on feedback provided
Continuing from our previous point, we don’t just need to obtain feedback, but also act on said feedback as soon as possible.
For example, we can identify and prioritize issues that have a potential impact on our talents and organization as a whole.
This shows your employees that their voices matter to their workplace, and that your organization acts on the feedback they've provided.
Doing so, in fact, encourages 90% of employees to stay with their organizations as a result.
There’s of course more to talent development solutions than what we have brought up here. In fact, perhaps you may even find a solution that’s not only effective, but also personalized to suit your employees’ needs and personalities too!!
Do you need help with your organization’s talent development needs and plans? If your answer is “Yes”, don’t wait! Contact us today at or +60163119908 to know more about how we can help you develop your talents!